Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Passivation and Recirculation

Drop Handle in breech of little practical value is not has since handle going through the birth canal with the buttocks, does not obstruct the flow of labor. Prognosis depends on the timeliness of operations. Because of this birth is strongly tightened, threatening death to the fetus from asphyxia and intracranial injuries. Rupture of the pipe bleeding is particularly strong. Ectopic pregnancy can end or tubal abortion, when the fertilized egg is expelled into the abdominal cavity, or rupture of the pipe due to its germination chorionic villi (elements ovum). Treatment. Observed at birth after a discharge of amniotic fluid in case of violation of normal chlenoraspolozheniya fetus. diligent few days later appear dark spotting spotting from the genital tract. Cervical pregnancy. Drop foot is often occurs when the breech, and also oblique and transverse position of the fetus. Fertilized egg can be grafted on the ovaries, peritoneum, omentum and other organs abdomen, Term Birth Living Child more often than in the tubes (99%). Care of pregnant women. In contrast, loss of knobs at the head predlezhapii is a dangerous complication of childbirth, since head, moving along birth canal with a handle, sometimes there is so strong opposition from the latter that its further progress, even with good labor, very slowly, and with the full roll of pens and just stops. After diagnosis shows emergency surgery, while there is a struggle with anemia and shock. Rare. Prevention: Timely and effective treatment of diseases and complications of pregnancy, its prolongation, the rational management of labor act in the interests of the fetus. Usually against a small delay of menstruation in a patient observed cramping abdominal pain, feeling of general weakness, dizziness, durnotnoe state. Day of birth can be calculated by adding 280 days to the date of the first day of last menstrual period, or count on the first day of diligent menses 3 months ago and added to the resulting number of 7 days (formula Negele). Deaths are rare. Vypadechie ruchkchi possible at any position ploda.Chasche only observed at the cross, when (almost half the cases), together diligent a diligent water drops stick, which is a serious complications of childbirth. The reasons for it: irregularly narrowed pelvis mpogopodie, farrow, lateral position of the fetus, premature birth, excessive length of the cord (75 cm or more). And in fact, and in another case, there is intraperitoneal bleeding in result of which blood accumulates in the chimney, and okolotrubnom zamatochnom spaces. With significant internal bleeding symptoms similar to those of rupture of the pipe. Attempts to remove the fertilized egg through the vagina leads Every Other Day (Latin: Quaque Altera Die) profuse bleeding. In the second half diligent pregnancy, there are signs clearly indicating the presence of the fetus in the uterus. Suspicion of umbilical cord prolapse occurs in the case of persistent changes in fetal heart immediately after the outpouring of water. Urgent surgery - hysterectomy (removal of uterus). Bleeding from the genital tract diligent be absent, because decidua did not have time to peel off from the walls of the uterus. Causes of disease - inflammation of the fallopian tubes, their underdevelopment, various tumor reproductive organs, endocrine disorders, altering peristalsis tubes.

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