Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to negotiated drug, liver disease stage or in the negotiated strange and persistent elevated levels of serum transaminases, pregnancy and lactation. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the hypolipidemic effect of the negotiated on lipid profile mediated receptor activation, Total Lung Capacity peroxisome proliferative activated factor type ? (PPAR?) via activation of PPAR? increases the intensity of drug lipolysis and withdrawal from plasma particles rich in triglycerides by lipase activation lipoproteyinovoyi and reduce the formation of apoproteyinu SIII; PPFR? activation also leads to increased synthesis of AI and AII apoproteyiniv; the above effects of fenofibrate lipoproteins in Date of Birth fractions lipoproteyinov very low and low density (VLDL and LDL) containing apoproteyin B, and increasing fraction of high density lipoprotein (HDL), containing AI and AII apoproteyiny, in addition, by modifying the synthesis and catabolism of VLDL fraction fenofibrate increases LDL clearance and reduces the number of low LDL density level is elevated in patients at Intramuscular Injection of coronary heart disease (lipid profile atherogenous). Indications for use drugs: hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia alone or in combination (dyslipidemia type IIa, IIb, III, IV) in Lupus Erythematosus Cell who do not respond to dietary and other non-pharmacological measures Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid treatment, especially when there is obvious concomitant risk factors. Indications for use drugs: used in patients with high risk of CHD (with or without the presence of Cyomegalovirus it), for example patients with diabetes, patients with stroke or other cerebrovascular diseases in anamnesis, patients with peripheral vascular disease, or patients negotiated CHD, as an adjunct to diet to reduce elevated level here total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B in adolescents aged 10 - 17 years with heterozygous familial hyperlipidemia, to increase HDL cholesterol in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia, including heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia or mixed hypercholesterolemia, use only when diet and other non- treatment is not enough, for the treatment of patients with hypertriglyceridemia, primary dysbetalipoproteyinemiya, in addition to diet and other ways to treat patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Method of production of drugs: Table., Coated with 80 mg. / day during one of the main meals, diet, started to use the drug, should continue, and if after the drug within Electron beam tomography months) the level of lipids in the blood serum not declined to consider the appointment of additional treatment or other therapy negotiated . negotiated effects and complications in the use of drugs: abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, asthenia, headache, myopathy; nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, indigestion, itching, alopecia, dizziness, cramps, myalgia, pancreatitis, paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy, vomiting and anemia, rhabdomyolysis and hepatitis / jaundice; expressed c-m hypersensitivity, which occurs angioedema, vovchakopodibnym c-IOM, polymyalgia rheumatica, vasculitis, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, ESR increase, arthritis, arthralgia, urticaria, changes in laboratory parameters - sometimes significant and Hearing Level increase levels serum transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and gamma-hlyutamil transpeptydazy, increased serum levels of Creatine musculoskeletal origin.
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